Today’s Funny Moment sponsred by the number F and the letter 9

Okay so just a quick thing. Because it is fucking hilarious.

As a girl, I do not have a penis.  I know shocker right. Well, that is what makes this so damn funny.

So my roommate, the one I actually like and have been friends with my entire adult life, walks downstairs and yells (okay maybe he didn’t really yell but says loudly) “Give me a cigarette”.

I look him deadpan in the face, unsmiling, and yelled “Give me head!” He stops for a minute, sticks his tongue out and we both start cracking the hell up.

I gave him a smoke and he walked back upstairs calling me a dick.  Yep folks, apparently girls can be dicks! I take some pride in that LOL.

Have a fabulous day everyone.



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